Some of the presentations, workshops, and courses that Dwight has led or will be leading include:

Wartburg Seminary — Rural Ministry Conference, March 2012
        Courage in the Country: Dying to Ourselves for the Life of the World

Northern Illinois (UMC) — Town and Rural Ministry Conference, December 2012
        On Being an Equipping Congregation: Dying to Ourselves for the Life of the World

Network for Vocation in Undergraduate Education (NetVUE) Biennial Conference, March 2013
        Claiming Our Identity: Bringing Vocation to the Core of Our Work

Ankeny Forum, November 2013
        Ministry and the Clergy/Lay Disconnect

Cedar River Forum, September 2012, May 2014
        (untitled presentations on ministry in daily life)

Center for Social Ministry, April 2016
        (untitled presentation on the gathered-scattered church)

Wartburg Seminary — Seminary for Everyone online education, Sep–Nov 2015
        The Gathered-Scattered Church: Releasing God’s People for Ministry in the World

ELCA’s Covenant Cluster Network — annual consultation, March 2016
        Equipping the Saints: Theological Education for All for the Ministry of All

Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center — continuing education, April–May 2016
        From the Sanctuary to the Street: Empowering Congregations that Connect Faith and Life

North American Academy for the Catechumenate — annual gathering, June 2016
        Equipping a Congregation that Equips the Newly Baptized

University Lutheran Church/Campus Ministry, Clemson, November 2016
        (untitled presentations on the gathered-scattered church)

Luther Seminary — KAIROS continuing education, February 2017
        The Unfinished Reformation: Fulfilling the Promise of Vocation

South Dakota Rostered Leader Theological Conference, April 2017
        The Promise and the Premise: An Introduction to the Gathered-Scattered Church

South Carolina Synod Assembly — May 2017
        Keynote speaker and workshop leader —Sent to be Salt, Light, and Leaven for the World

Luther Seminary — Lay School of Theology, June 2017
        From the Sanctuary to the Street

ELCA Rostered Leader Gathering, August 2017
        Life of Faith: Equipping a Congregation that Equips the Baptized for Ministry

Lutheran Outdoor Ministries, October 2017 (Texas) & December 2017 (Wisconsin)
        Retreat presenter and conversation leader  

Holden Village, Teaching Faculty — April 29 through May 12, 2018
        The Unfinished Reformation: Fulfilling the Promise of the Priesthood of All Believers

Southwest Minnesota Synod ELCA — September 18, 2018
        The Gathered–Scattered Church: Equipping God’s People for Ministry in the World

St. Mark Lutheran Church, Spokane, WA — September 20–22, 2019
      Called Today; Led Into Tomorrow

Life of Faith Immersion, St. Louis Park, MN — October 8–9, 2019
        Westwood Lutheran Church — Coordinator and presenter 

ELCA Rostered Leader Gathering, July 2020
        Workshop leader, small group discussion coordinator